Monday, June 9, 2008

The Rainy Season

We're getting close.

Although we generally connect the term, “monsoon”, with SE Asia and the massive rainy seasons found in that part of the world, monsoons happen here in New Mexico and it’s a big part of our climate. A monsoon is generally defined as a seasonal variation of wind, cloud cover and precipitation that is controlled by the annual cycle of the sun. In climates that are strongly influenced by monsoons, most of the annual precipitation is received during the monsoon season.

Portions of the southwest United States, including New Mexico, are influenced by the North American Monsoon System (NAMS), which is also referred to as the Southwest Monsoon. In particular Las Cruces receives, on average, just above 50 percent its annual precipitation during the months of July, August and September when the monsoon season sets in. This time of year can bring thunderstorms, spectacular lighting displays and the desert blooms.

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